Firstly, we want to thank the Government for listening to our calls for more support for the self-employed which represents 60% of all NCASS members. 

The scheme presented will provide invaluable reassurance & support for many self-employed businesses – the lifeblood of our economy – at this extremely stressful & challenging time. The unprecedented financial commitments made by the Government so far will make a huge difference to the future of businesses & families across the nation.
We do however have the following concerns:

  • It doesn’t reflect seasonal working as event & festival caterers only have a very short summer window in which to earn their living
  • Those who are in their first year of trading are excluded and now have very limited support other than loans and potential access to Universal Credit
  • That the support may not be available until as late as June which could have serious impact on many businesses as cashflow is already extremely challenging

We therefore call upon the Government to provide extra measures to help address these concerns. It is evident that that Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme is not fit for purpose for small independent businesses and members need access to cash to help them survive now.
We will be posting more information on the finer details of these announcements for members tomorrow.

NCASS Member?

To discuss any of the above points or if you have any questions, please contact your NCASS Account Manager on 0300 124 6866 Monday – Thursday 9-5:30pm and Friday 9am – 5pm.

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