New measures for pubs, bars & restaurants in Wales

Pubs and restaurants in Wales will be forced to stop selling alcohol entirely and shut...

How wet led pubs & caterers can work together

We’ve had confirmation from the C-19 taskforce, part of the cabinet office that: Wet led...

Caterer Spotlight: Skullduggery

This week we spoke to founder of Skullduggery Dessert Illusions, Steph Parker, about how she...

Why you need vegan chicken

In response to the soaring demand for plant-based chicken, People for the Ethical Treatment of...

Trailblazer: Black Friday offer

Up to £1,000 off your brand-new Trailblazer! We’re talking both the Commercial & Domestic BBQ/Grill range.  ONE WEEKEND...

Which tier & what does it mean?

The Government have just announced what parts of England will be in which tiers. This...

The Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG)

If you are a business and don’t have a fixed premises, the Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) is the...

What the latest tiers mean for the live events industry

Article updated: 03/20/20 DCMS have now clarified what is allowed under the new Tier guidelines,...

PM’s statement: Lockdown to end on 2nd December

The Prime Minister Boris Johnson today (23/11/20) presented details of the UK’s Covid-19 winter plan,...

Support our Sector: NCASS members on ITV News

We’re continuing to fight for street food businesses, restaurants, bars, cafes and pubs as we...