Update from BEIS Covid-19 Workshop


The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) delivered a workshop this week, addressing some of the main questions put forward by those working in the hospitality sector regarding the new Covid-19 rules. We’ve put together some short FAQ’s that cover what was said.

Who is responsible for Track & Trace? The venue owner. Only one NHS QR code is required for the entire market.  

It is compulsory for you to display the NHS QR code. Remember if you have multiple locations, you’ll need a code for each location. It is also compulsory to turn away people that won’t comply with Track and Trace – however you can use your own app, system or even paper.

Who is responsible for table service? In a market or market hall, only the Licensed alcohol units must provide table service to seated customers.

10pm curfew has understandably been heavily criticised by the industry. For now, the rule remains that everyone must be out by 10pm. This means no last orders and no opportunity to take their drink out onto the street.

Can I wear a visor instead of a mask? The wearing of face masks is compulsory for both the public and staff unless they have got a reasonable exemption for not wearing one (such as a medical condition).

Open kitchens do not count as back of house and as such masks should be worn – this applies to indoor venues

What if my staff member can’t wear a face mask? Potentially this might mean that the staff member can’t be customer facing. You will need to carry out a risk assessment to see if they can safely work front of house.

Can I play music on my premises? Live or pre-recorded music is currently banned in Scotland. In England, music should be no louder than 85 decibels and singing must be restricted to 6 people in pubs. The reason being that respiratory droplets can be passed when people sing or shout to be heard over music.

BEIS are happy to receive any queries regarding local authority officers challenging on issues they perhaps should not be in order to resolve the situation.  They will also be publishing resources next week which will enable local enforcement officers to deliver a consistent, structured message.

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