Important Safety Notice

safety notice

This is an important safety notice for hospitality businesses across the UK. 

In light of recent riots and violence across the country, we want to highlight the importance of safety and communication at this time.

Key Considerations:

  • Communicate with other businesses in the area and keep up to date with police / council announcements with regards to potential riots and unrest.
  • Communicate with your staff and your customers, ensuring that they are aware of potential riots and unrest.
  • Assess the risk of the riots on your business and provide your staff and customers with clear instructions on what to do should your business be affected.
  • Safety comes first. The safety of your staff and customers should be your priority, this may mean that you change your opening hours or close temporarily if needed.
  • Keep up to date with communication from event organisers you are working with.
  • Read your insurance documents to check your cover.
  • Familiarise yourself with The Riot Compensation Act 2016 (RCA). This gives victims of criminal damage or loss during a riot the right to compensation. It is designed to allow communities to recover quickly from the impact of rioting.
  • Be aware that this situation could be distressing for both you and your staff, our charity partner, Hospitality Action, are able to support via their services.

Stay safe and be aware of what is happening in your local area and/or where you are trading.

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