Tweaks to Covid-19 app means fewer people required to self-isolate

Changes have been made to the Covid-19 app to ensure that fewer people need to isolate after being “pinged.”

The tweaks come after business leaders raised concerns over the number of staff having to self-isolate after being “pinged” by the app when they’ve been in contact with someone who then tests positive for Covid-19.

As part of the change, if an asymptomatic person tests positive, the app will look for their close contacts in the two days prior to the positive test result, as opposed to searching for people they’ve been close to in the five days before the test.

The health ministry, said: “We want to reduce the disruption that self-isolation can cause for people and businesses, while ensuring we’re protecting those most at risk from this virus,” health minister Sajid Javid said.

“This update to the app will help ensure that we are striking the right balance.”

Whilst use of the app is not compulsory, government officials have urged people to keep using it to minimise the public health risk. Further changes will come into effect on 16th August, when people who are fully vaccinated and come into contact with a positive person won’t have to self-isolate unless they test positive themselves.

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